Vehicle Insurance
Everyone wants to save money on insurance. Call and see why so many in the area choose us. As a licensed independent insurance agency, we can find you all of the insurance discounts you deserve!
(650) 655 - 2022

Get Auto Insurance in California from Several Top Carriers through Pereira & Associates
Auto Coverage Options
Please contact our office directly for information and consultation about any coverage. This section is for reference purposes only.
Pereira & Associates offers insurance through several of the nation’s top carriers. We can offer terrific rates on auto insurance and can get you discounts when you package the auto with a home policy.
Pereira & Associates is an independent insurance agency in California that represents multiple insurance companies. We help you with selecting the best insurance protection for the lowest cost by learning about your needs.
Call us for a no obligation auto insurance rate quote and see what we can do for you.
Car Rental Expense
If you have a claim that is covered under your auto policy, this optional coverage pays to rent a car. Be sure to check your policy for any limitations.
Collision Coverage
This covers damage to your car that is caused by a collision, including roll over, collision with an object or the ground.
Comprehensive Coverage
This covers damage to your car — except by collision.
For example, this covers your car if a tree falls on it or someone vandalizes it.
Emergency Road Service
This covers towing when your car breaks down.
Gap Coverage
In the event your vehicle is a total loss, Gap Insurance pays the difference between the current market value of your auto and the amount you still owe the lender.
This covers bodily injury and damage to property that you cause to others while using your car.
Medical Payments
This covers medical and funeral expenses (not all companies offer this coverage).
Uninsured/underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury
This covers injuries an uninsured or underinsured driver causes to an insured person. The law does not require you to have this coverage, but your insurance company must offer it to you.
Uninsured/underinsured Motorist Property Damage
This covers property damage an uninsured or underinsured driver causes to your insured vehicle.

Searching for a
Motorcycle Insurance Agent in the
San Mateo County?
Insuring your passion has never been easier.
At Pereira & Associates, we represent the best motorcycle insurance carriers in the country, like Progressive Insurance, who is #1 in motorcycle insurance.
One call to Pereira & Associates ensures that you have peace of mind when you’re out on the open road and only be worried about when the sun is going down.
At Pereira & Associates, we will build a customized policy to fit your needs. Our program can include full replacement cost Accessory Coverage, Comprehensive and Collision Coverage, Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, Medical Payments, Roadside Assistance and more. Call today to inquire about all of your options.
A motorcycle insurance policy from us covers many types of bikes, so even if you’re looking for specific coverage—like motocross insurance, dirt bike insurance, scooter insurance, classic motorcycle insurance and insurance for trikes, we have an option for you.
What you need to know about Boat Insurance:
Pereira & Associates will work hard to ensure you’re covered on the water and that your coverage needs are met. Give us a call today at 650-655-2022 to start a quote. When shopping for boat insurance in California, there are some things you should keep in mind.
With a specialized boat insurance policy from Pereira & Associates, you can relax on the water knowing you have the right coverage for your boat or personal watercraft. Just like automobile insurance, we make boat insurance easy and affordable. There are even discounts available for packaging your policies!
Because we’re an independent agent, we represent many carriers for a boat insurance policy! Coverage options are plentiful and you can get specialized coverage, such as Roadside Assistance, On-Water Towing, Total Loss Replacement and more.
Boat insurance covers many kinds of boats from personal watercraft to sailboats, fishing vessels to personal watercraft. So, even if you feel you need a specialized policy, it is just a boat insurance policy is that you need. Ask an agent today 650-655-2022
Navigational Area
Many companies offer protection that covers you up to 75 miles from the U.S. coastline, into Canadian coastal or inland waters and into the Pacific coastal waters of Mexico. Some companies offer additional options for further navigation. Inquire today!
Agreed Value Coverage
Boat and personal watercraft depreciate over time; it’s a fact. Having your watercraft insured as actual cash value can make it difficult to replace a boat that’s been stolen or destroyed.
Agreed value coverage means that if your boat is a total loss you will get the value you insured it for, minus your deductible. Don’t depend on a homeowner’s policy to insure a boat. Ask an agent about a specialized boat policy for your boat.
Personal liability coverage provides coverage to you for damaging other boaters if you’re found to be at fault for an accident on the water. This coverage pays to repair or replace their property as well as any medical care, lost wages and other costs resulting from the accident.
Medical Payments
Medical payments coverage will cover your or your passenger’s medical bills as a result of an accident on the water. The coverage limits vary and covers you, your passengers and even your water skiers/tubers while being pulled behind your boat, regardless of fault.
Physical Damage Coverage
Physical damage coverage is available and pays to repair or replace your watercraft, its motor, any permanently attached equipment and your trailer, if it is damaged during a covered loss or stolen.
Uninsured/Underinsured Watercraft Bodily Injury
Many boaters choose not to get insurance. If you are hit by an uninsured or underinsured boater and you are injured, this type of coverage pays for medical treatment, lost wages and other costs. Ask our agent today about UM/UMBI coverage for your boat today!
Fuel Spill Liability and Wreckage Removal
In the very unfortunate event that your boat should sink or be damaged on the water, there is a possibility of a fuel leak. As the boat’s owner you are liable to clean this fuel up, which can be very time consuming and expensive. Ensure that your boat policy covers you for fuel spill liability and wreckage removal.
Personal Effects
Your watercraft policy can provide coverage for many personal effects such as clothes, cell phones and fishing equipment that are on your boat. Make sure you’re properly insured on the water by talking to one of our qualified insurance agents today.
Emergency Assistance
The Emergency Assistance Package provides coverage for towing, labor and delivery of gas, oil or loaned battery if the watercraft is disabled while on the water.

It’s More Than a Vehicle, It’s A Lifestyle!
Not many people enjoy the hassle of organizing a flight, hotel room and restaurants along the way.
You’ve got an RV which means you can just pick up and go! Fortunately for you, Pereira & Associates offers specialized RV insurance in California to go along with you.
RV enthusiasts encounter unique situations while out on the road. With that in mind, talk to your Pereira & Associates agent today about specialized coverages such as:
Total Loss Replacement
Provides you with a new, comparably-equipped RV if your RV is totaled within its first few years.
Replacement Cost Personal Effect
Pays for the replacement of your personal items in your RV that resulted from a covered loss. Coverage options vary, so ask about what options are available for you today.
Vacation Liability
Pays for Bodily Injury and Property Damage losses that occur at your vacation site. Ask your agent about policy limits.
Emergency Expense coverage
Pays your expenses for hotels and transportation due to a covered loss. Coverage options vary, so ask your agent what option is best for you.
No Windshield Deductible
Zero glass deductible available through some companies.
Get Out on the Road and Enjoy the World of RVing!
Pereira & Associates offers coverage for recreational vehicles including Type A motorhomes, Type B motorhomes, and Type C motorhomes, as well as sport utility recreational vehicles. We also offer insurance coverage for towable RVs, including: travel trailers, fifth-wheel travel trailers, travel trailers with expandable ends, folding camper trailers and truck campers.

The time has come where your child or children are starting to drive and can be an anxiety provoking time for many parents!
Fortunately, your Pereira & Associates agent has been waiting for this call from you since we learned that your baby was nearing driving age. Learning to be a safe driver is more than spending a lot of time behind the wheel. Safe driving starts with being a great example for your children and then spending the time to talk to them about the rules of the road before they even take the wheel. It is important to talk to your children about the privilege to drive. So often teens feel that driving is a right that can’t be taken away.
Tell your children about the increased regulatory laws regarding teen driving in California.
A Ticket or Accident?
Just one ticket or accident could mean the end to your child’s teen driving. Insurance premiums often TRIPLE from a single ticket for speeding or an accident making it nearly impossible to cover the cost of them driving. Make sure you talk to your teen about the cost of insurance so they understand the importance of not only driving safe to keep their premiums low, but driving safe just for the sake of being safe.
Distractions in the car
Cell phones, other passengers, other drivers, poor weather… the list of distractions for your young teen driver can be daunting. Leading by example can be the best way to show your teen driver that driving is meant to be taken seriously, and that safe driving means not talking or texting on the cell phone.
We wish your teen the best of luck out there! Remember, we’re always here to help you or happy to talk to your teen about the impact certain driving behavior can have on their insurance premiums.